Saturday, March 14, 2009

Marina Mandarin VS Health Zone @ SGH

Yippee! We are going out again. Basically, no i shall say actually its nt a complete family outing as Daddy hv to work; we only tag along. Hahaha....
First stop @ Marina Mandarin. Daddy need to do some works at a tailor shop so Mummy, myself & Rachel hang out at the 4th floor of the hotel. There is a stretch of oil paintings & birds, real birds singing & chirping for us to marvel. Nah, nt really marvel but just fooling ard.

Marina Mandarin Hotel Lobby

Look at hw high the hotel is....


We wanted to go to the pool side but Mummy is afraid both of us wanna splash inside the water. No no no, says mummy. We are nt allowed to get ourselves wet eventhough Mummy came prepared with a towel.

There was an incident which made Mummy laugh, almost embaressed. We had just come out from the toilet & after walking only a few steps, i stood there, rooted with a silly sort of expression on my face. Mummy asked wat happen & to her horror, i replied: " Mummy, my pants are wet." Mummy looked down & saw that i was standing in a pool of water. Mummy clapped her hands to her forehead & exclaimed:" Didnt we just came out from the toilet? Why & hw did u wet urself again? Goodness!"

Mummy quickly dragged me inside the toilet, with Rachel as well, ignoring the puddle of water. Luckily the floor is carpeted & dull in colour so its nt really obvious. People will nt suspect its urine but rather water. Haha.. :P

I changed into my pampers; i was wearing underwear initially. Mummy took off my underwear & pants...shhhh...dun tell anyone here...but she actually took both garments & hv them air dried using the hand dryer. Now, tis hand dryer is the new type whereby u put ur hands into the dryer itself & the air comes from the sides. Not those kind where u put ur hands under the dryer. Hopefully u know which kind i'm toking abt here.

After a good 10 mins, Mummy told me to wear back my pants as it has already dried up. Mummy says she has a spare set of clothings for me but she say nt to let me wear those yet in case i hv another incident (watever it may be) later in the day. Then she took my underwear & did the same thing. Hahaha....luckily nobody came into the toilet else Mummy wld feel so pai sey. When we were ready to leave, Rachel passed motion. Faint.....we spent another 10 mins inside the toilet where Mummy cleaned up Rachel. I tink we spent a good total time of half an hr inside the toilet.
Once done, we headed back into the hotel lobby & settled down in some nice cosy armchairs for our snacks. Mummy has packed some bread & biscuit for us both. So while still waiting for Daddy, we ate our snacks & sort of snuggling down into the so call sofa cos its so comfy. Before long, Daddy came up to us & say lets go.

Our next destination is the Health Zone @ SGH. Daddy is also going there to do some lighting works & hence decided to bring us out to play as well. Health Zone, wat else, is all abt our health, from head to toe, inside & out. What we shd know, hw we shd prevent, wat we eat, hw we excercise, etc...
We went out at abt 9am plus in the morning & only came back ard 5pm in the afternoon. Boy! What a day! :)

. remember to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid everyday.
. power up your breakfast to energise your day
. avoid sweet drinks. go for water & fruit juices instead.
. snack the smart way. avoid high sugar, high fat snacks
. skip sweet desserts. go for fresh fruits
. 2 servings of fruits & 2 servings of veggies everyday
. eat all food in moderation
. balance energy input & energy output to maintain a healthy weight.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to gauge the amount of body fat in adults.

BMI = Your Weight (kg)


Height (m) x Height (m)

** Singaporeans have been found to be at risk of developing heart diseases and diabetes at BMI values of 23kh/m2 and above.
Most people have an average resting heart rate of between 60 - 90 beats per minute (b.p.m)

Do you know that if you climb up 20 flights of stairs everyday, you would have climbed a height almost equivalent to the height of Mount Everest in one year?

Cancer: The abnormal growth of body cells. Normal cells grow, divide & replace themselves in an orderly manner. Cancer develops when these cells divide too rapidly & function abnomally.

Heart Disease: A complete blockage of blood flow to the heart muscles results in a heart attack. When this happens, the pain is prolonged & a part of the heart muscle dies.

Stroke: Occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery or when a blood vessel breaks. Blood flow to the brain is disrupted & brain damage occurs.

Diabetes: A disease in which a body produces too little or ineffective insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, which helps the blood glucose enters the body cells to be used for energy. In a person with diabetes, the glucose cannot enters the body cells, building up in the blood , giving rise to a high glucose level

High Blood Pressure: Force of blood that goes around your body.

Age Forties: Thinning of Hair; Stiffer Joints; Far Sightedness
Age Fifties: Dry Skin; Brittle Bone; Menopause ( for woman only)
Age Seventies: Poor Eyesight; Hearing Problem; Slower Digestion
Age Eighties: Weak Bladder; Memory Loss

I wonder hw abt age sixties; its nt shown leh.

How do i look with different type of spectacles? Cool eh? Hehe...

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