Both kids got back their progress report for 2010 year-end. Below is the report, word for word written by the teachers.
For Lionel:
Assessment for the year:
Picture Talk: 10/10
Reading: 10/10
Written: 70/70
Spelling: 10/10
Total: 100/100
Mathematics: 98/100
看图说话 (Picture Talk): 9/10
阅读 (Reading): 10/10
笔试 (Written): 68/70
听写 (Spelling): 10/10
Total: 97/100
2nd semester:
From motor skills, gross motoe skills, sensory & thinking skills & lastly, language & social skills, Lionle scored all 1s - GOOD. He got the same results for his 1st semester as well.
Language Arts: Lionel listens attentively and responds to questions with good comprehension. He communicates his thoughts with age-appropriate clarity & vocabulary, He has to practice reading aloud to enhance his pronunciation. Vocabulary comprehension has dramatically increased, thus with futher reading at home, this comprehemsion will continue to rise.
Math Concepts: Lionel makes use of his time wisely & completes assigned tasks diligently. He has the ability to concentrate & focus on tasks given to him. His sufficient understanding of addition & subtraction allows him to execute directions in an appropriate & accurate manner. He has to be more independent & should focus on his studies to become more productive.
Chinese Language: 在第四期的学习中,志聪在阅读故事方面掌握得很好。 上课能够注意听讲,课堂作业完成很好。 华文书写工整,色彩配搭极佳, 很好。跟同学之间能和睦相处。希望在今后日子里继续努力, 做个优秀的好学生。 加油。
Bottom: 在玩具角落里,志聪对各种玩具都感兴趣。想象力丰富。能充分利用玩具拼出各种不同的形状。
Language Arts: Rachel has good listening skills & is able to relate the stories told during storytelling session. She shows keen interest in pictures, speaks well & is able to understand new knowledge without difficulty.
Math Concepts: Rachel always gives her best during lessons. She is able to understand Math concepts and can describe attributes such as fast/slow.
Chinese Language: 在第四学期的学习中,佳璇在认读一些华文字时读音有进步,在做作业时速度上有改进,彩色上也有进展,只是注意力需要加强。
Bottom: 她能积极地参加老师组织的活动。在活动中,她听丛老师的指挥,团结同学,表现振棒!
I am very happy with their results. Both of them has shown great improvements & matured in their thinking. They displayed the ability to comprehend what was taught & given to them & they have make use of examples to help understand better.
Keep up the good work, L&R! :)
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