Morning! Today, 02 Jan 2008 is my 1st day of school. I woke up at 7.30am. Had my milk, bath, brush my teeth & wash my face. But i'm still sleepy. See the above foto. Keke...
I reach school at 8.30am. Daddy & Mummy go with me. After awhile, Daddy say he has to go to work. I say bye bye to Daddy. Mummy stayed with me. We had bread & milo. After that, the teacher sat us down in a corner & sing songs. We followed her actions & sang happily.
But of cos there are alot of other students crying away as well. Me too, i cried also when i do not see Mummy around (mummy: ya...and u cried terribly). Teacher Jolin tried to pacify me but i still want my mummy.
Mummy: I hv to teach Lionel to be independent. So i go "MIA" on & off. I try not to stay close to Lionel, though i'm just somewhere nearby la.. Lionel was having flu these 2 days so i try not to let him cry too much. I went in after letting him cry for sometime. To pacify & calm him down lor...Hopefully tomorrow he will be alright.Debating with myself if i shd accompany Lionel to sch 2moro morning anot?? Maybe just send him there & tell him bye bye. But wat happens if he cries? How do i pacify him leh? If i do stay back, i will be late for work, defintely. If i don't, i cant help but wonder if Lionel is doing alright. I might not be able to concentrate on my work too. I did tell him that Mummy nids to work; no work, no $$, no chance to see penguins. ( U see, he is engrossed with penguins. Everytime we go out, he will ask to see penguins.)
Haiz...the problem of being a parent. Heart aching to see our child cry but yet have to be "hard" too. Can't possibly accompany him to sch everyday. Then he will be very dependent on me which is worst. Cannot Cannot!!! No No No!!!!!!!!!!! Aiyo...but my brians is telling me otherwise.
Any parents here can advise?