Mummy has been packing & unpacking her hospital bag. Looks like there's alot of stuff to bring, but then again, mummy like dunno wat to bring. Daddy even jokingly tell Mummy she packing as if she is goin on a holiday like dat....wa small bag...pack go where..hehe
Things to pack:
- 1 set of mummy's discharge clothes ( for mummy to wear when discharge from hospital)
- 1 set of bb's discharge clothes (together with mittens, booties, hat & blanket to wrap bb)
- mummy's personal toiletries & personal hygene care stuff, includes: toothbrush & tooth paste, face towel, maternity pads, disposable/normal home wear panties, bra, powder
- camera with extra battery. very important cos want to take fotos of rachel upon delivery. must make a list of wat fotos to take, like the moment rachel comes out from mummy's tummy, rachel's 1st cry (if possible), daddy's cutting of the umbilical cord, rachel doin the neccessary tests like taking weight, rachel all wrapped up warm & cosy.....and also rachel's life while in hospital. camera should work non stop...hohoho
- admission documents
- hp + charger (pack only when goin to hospital - mummy u better remember)
- perhaps a story book to read? to kill time...
wat else? aiyo...can someone advise me? hehe