Daddy got home from work early, so he decided to bring us kids out. Ah ma & xiao gu were going for a wedding dinner @ Meritius Mandarin so daddy offered to sent them down. After that, we proceeded to Marina for dinner. We walked ard, not knowing where or what to eat. So many choices to choose from; we were spoilt.
In the end, mummy decided that she wanna eat Jap food. But knowing daddy, he dun really enjoy Japanese cusine. But becos today is a special day, daddy let mummy choose. We went to Ryoichi Sushi cos they were having a promo @ $8.60 per set meal. Boy! What a long queue!
Finally, after waiting for quite some time, we got our seats. We ordered 3 different sets; seafood, chicken & fish. Of the 3, the chicken tasted the worst. We all love the seafood best. Mummy asked daddy what drinks or desserts to order but daddy had something else in mind.
Daddy said to bring us all to hv ice cream after dinner so mummy clicked her tongue & asked for Swenson's earthquake. Daddy suggested something else; Haagen Daz; mummy's favourite. But where got HD at Marina? Yes, daddy said. But its @ Esplanade.
So we walked slowly over to Esplanade via the underground City Link. We ordered Vibrant Contemplation which consists of 8 scoops of ice cream (self choose) together with wafers & cream. Mummy of cos chose her favourite Macademia Brittle. I kept on saying i want the yellow one " I wan yellow, yellow yellow. i want yellow one". " What yellow one la? " Mummy exclaimed. The only yellow coloured ice cream she can see is the mango sherbet. So mummy ordered that for me too.
We walked ard Esplanade after finishing our ice cream. It was already abt 10pm plus. Mummy called xiao gu & checked whtr they hv finished their dinner. If so, we can go over & picked them up. Xiao gu said they were only beginning their 5th dish cos the dinner started only at abt 9pm plus. OMG! Xiao gu says its ok lor, we go back first. They will only finish earliest after 11pm, from the looks of it.
So this is our Mother's Day celebration. And i tink next weekend, it another celebration, together with ah ma & gu po cos its alss a yearly affair. Post Mother's Day celebration. :)
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