Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
全家福 - Family Portrait
Sit Up VS Push Up

I js love these 2 artwork pieces done by Mummy...so much time, love & patience put into it. Tks Mummy. Muhahaha...u see i hv 2 different facial expressions.... those in "push up" i smiling so happily whereas those in "sit up", i looking so glummy. Hah...cos a superstar posing for the camera is very tiring one leh... mummy took the pics of me doin my push up first so i very readily smile for the camera but after some time, i start to get sianz liao but no choice mummy wanna continue taking my pics, so.... a gloomy look is all i can show.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I can hold my own bottle
Rachel showing her temper
All babies hv their own temper rite? This is mine little one's temper...sort of mild, anger nt shown on her face but she is clearly irritated. Haha...enjoy....
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sentosa again!
Yesterday, 22 March 2008, Mummy & Granny (外婆)brought us (me & Rachel) to Sentosa. First we went to Underwater World. Yes again. Granny bot me a Nemo bag (above) without Mummy's knowledge cos she was pushing rachel around. Then Mummy saw me with the bag but she couldnt ask me to put the bag back cos its has been paid for. Hahaha....
Next we went to Images of Singapore. Formely knows as the wax museum ( mummy's school days). Above is a video of me dancing happily inside the museum with " Family, Peace, Community & Harmony" for a budding nation
Admission to Images of Singapore: $10/adt & $7/chd (3-7yrs old).
Third stop was suppose to be The Merlion by by the time we reached there, it was closed le. Actually from the outside of Images of Singapore (Imbiah), we can reached The Merlion by escalator one but with rachel in her stroller, (and the stupid escalator not working), mummy felt that its gonna be difficult to carry rachel + stroller down. (narrow escalator). So Granny suggested we go back to the car park & drive to The Merlion instead. But there was no way to enter the grounds. So end up we parked at Beach Station carpark & walked by foot instead. Well...we sort of lost our way. The direction shows "up" so we followed. But people up there say wrong way so we went down. Then we were stuck; dunno which way to go. Finally when we found the entrance, the merlion sleep liao. Hiaz...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy 8 Months

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Cranky Lionel refused to be on video
A video taken of Lionel during our trip to Bintan. But due to his crankiness, he flatly refused to be put on video; kept on shouting: 不要拍我,不要拍我。But stuborn Mummy refused to listen to him. Keke..
Lionel's Masterpieces
Ta dam. These are all my masterpieces done in school so far. M proud to show to you. I know i know, u all gonna say wat the freak colouring i hv done but hey, at least its an improvement. Mummy use to say i color out line. but look, i manage to stay inline in these colouring pieces, for some though.
Of cos la, Mummy do not understand wat are some of these artwork are, eg: the so call human (top left hand corner). I myself also dunno wat m i colouring...hahahah... Daddy even ask me: 人是这样画的吗? I gave him my sheepish smile. And also the black ball, dunno wat the hell is that too. Hahaha...Mummy ask me: wat's tis?" I dunno hw to answer & turn my head away. I rather look at the TV show than to answer her. " Help me God! Hw to answer Mummy when i also...err...wat heck!"
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Back to Gu Po's House
Mummy is afraid that i will screamed & cried like b4 cos i'm now able to recognise people, environment & smell. When Daddy & Mummy bot me over to gu po's hse for 4D & 3N the other time (cos they went to Bintan), i was like fighting & forcing with myself to stay with gu po but deep down, i wasnt happy. I was screaming like mad dog; didnt like to be log inside the house. I can only be seen smiling happily whenever gu po bring me downstairs for short walks but i would yell the hse down again when we gt back home.
That time, gu po also cannot call Ah Ma or Gu Gu to pick me up cos they were also overseas. They went Taiwan. So i suckily stayed with gu po till Mummy came over after their trip to pick me up. Boy! Was i happy!
So today is my 1st day back with gu po again. B4 i went over, gu po told Ah Ma to "inform" Tai Gong & Tai Ma dat i will be going over so they can help look after me. Gu po did went to the temple to ask why i was crying the other time. Its becos Tai Gong & Tai Ma couldnt find me; they didnt know i went over to gu po's hse. We never inform them. So this time round, we "inform" them b4 hand first.
( Why the word "inform" is in inverted commas? Mummy say cos Tai Gong & Tai Ma passed away liao so in order to tell them, we use inverted commas to represent. Ey....dun get the wrong idea ar)
Mummy sent me over at abt 7.30am. She stayed with me till abt 8am, then she left for work. Mummy will be picking me up tonight after work. This is the current solution; till i m comfy with staying with gu po. So everyday from Mon - Fri, Mummy will sent me over to gu po's hse in the morning & pick me up again after work. Truth is, i cannot bear to part with Mummy; i m tooooo attached to her liao. So is Mummy! Tooooo attached to me liao...muhahahahah!
I hope i will be alright with gu po cos no matter wat, she is not Mummy at all; not her smell, not her voice & also not Mummy's hse, mummy's bed. Sob sob! But i hv to learn to be strong. Mummy says i will adapt to the environment very fast & hopefully, i will.
Fingers Crossed! :)
Singapore Flyer

Shiok sia. Hehe...Mummy's company gave their staff a free exposure to the Singapore Flyer -The Humongous Ferris Wheel located at Raffles Avenue. Let us (Mummy gave us the honors) to do a little intro.