27 Nov 2009 (Fri) - Hari Raya Haji - PH
Lionel: Daddy brought us to Uncle Ah Wee's condo @ Orchid Park for a supposedly BBQ. However, due to the rain, it was cancelled & converted to an in house buffet gathering. We arrived there around 8pm, ate, drank & chat. Then we settled down to watch the last eposide of 企鸸爸爸.
Mummy was quite pissed off with a grp of aunties gathered there who spoke so very loudly, especially 1 of them. Mummy was sure the guards downstairs wld be able to hear very clearly what this aunty talked about.
And they are damn " buay zi dong"lor. So many people wanna watched TV & they still can sit right in front of the TV & be " ji zha po". Even when they were asked to move over to the side, they only inched a little, as if their buttocks cannot be lifted up at all.
With these kind of aunties ard, what do u expect from their kids? Same quality la! Since they were from the same manufacturer!
28 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Rachel: Mummy brought me to a supposedly swim at Yishun Swimming Complex. She wanted to join Ah Pi Gu Gu, Ah Mui Gu Gu & our 3 cousins who had their swimming session almost every Sat. However, when we got there, we cldnt locate anyone of them around. So Mummy called Ah Mui Gu Gu & realised, ops, they were not at the swimming pool but at the airport instead. They took bus 858 to the airport, had their breakfast & wanna head off to East Coast Park for cycling.
So Mummy hurriedly brought me across the road to take bus 858. Lionel did not come along as this was a last min decision. He was with Xiao Gu at the market.
We reached Terminal 1 & hopped onto bus 36. We alighted at the 1st bus stop & walked over to the bicycle kiosk. But it was damn far. Who told Mummy to walk to this bicycle kiosk one, non other than Ah Pi Gu Gu.
It started to drizzle. Mummy carried me & half walked, half ran but she still couldnt beat the rain. It came down hard & fast. Mummy ran to the nearest shelter. She took out a towel & wrapped ard me for the rain was splashing in due to the strong wind. Mummy hugged me & made me stand close to her. The rain pelted in & her back was all wet. But Mummy couldnt care less. " That wld dry easily. Its more important that u dun get wet, otherwise u will fall sick" when i asked Mummy abt her shirt.
When the rain stopped, we joined the rest who were also trapped at a shelter nearer to the kiosk. We rent our bikes & cycled for 1 hour. Due to the poor & rude service given to us at the kiosk, we didnt want to continue business with them. We thought of going to Macs, get something to drink & munch, rest & then continue riding by renting with another kiosk close to Mac. But 老天爷不做美! It started to rain again & didnt stop for quite sometime. We ran about in Funland & found it abit 无聊.
In the end, we walked to the bus stop, took bus 16 & ended up at Suntec City. Dun play play, the time is already 5pm plus. We spent half the day at East Coast, doing nothing but hiding from the rain. Haiz!
We had our dinner but i cldnt swallow much, thus ended up vomiting. Actually i didnt eat much the whole day also. We took bus 857 back to Yishun & this was how we spent our day. I drank my milk, had my bath & K.O soon.
Sorry folks. There are no fotos to upload as Mummy didnt have her camera with her. :P
Oh! Another outing. Daddy brought Lionel to Sentosa last night as he was needed there to dismantle some lightings. They returned home ard 1am plus. Lionel came back with a spade & pail set for building sand castles. The mgmt gave it to him & it seems there were some party going on & lots of left over food.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mummy: I was saying sometime back that Lionel will be in the pm session next year for K1. However, this has since changed. Lionel will remain in the am session cos my sil went to talk to the principal, Mrs Leong. There is no one available to pick up Lionel at 5.30pm as my sil has lessons to attend to & my ils might not be free as well shd there be many customers around.
This is good; at least the 2 kids can go & return together. The only minus point is that Lionel's school fees will be much more for am session. Including lunch, his sch fees will be S$250. ( I double chk with teacher Shufen, even if we do not want to include lunch, its still S$250 so might as well take it). Then plus his S&D, another S$60, so total S$310.
This is good; at least the 2 kids can go & return together. The only minus point is that Lionel's school fees will be much more for am session. Including lunch, his sch fees will be S$250. ( I double chk with teacher Shufen, even if we do not want to include lunch, its still S$250 so might as well take it). Then plus his S&D, another S$60, so total S$310.
Then add on to Rachel's of S$215, we got to pay S$525 every month.
Monday, November 23, 2009
N1 Admission cum enrolment
Its the time of the year again! Mummy has decided to finish completing the admission form for me to go to school next year. Naturally, i will be in the same sch as Lionel. New term begins on 05 Jan 2010 but teacher Jolin did mention i can go in to school starting Dec (if i wan) so as to adapt easily & be comfy when the term starts.
So Mummy did some registration for me this morning but she did not bring enuff $$.
Registration cum Deposit fees ( one time) - S$385
Sch fees ( with lunch) - S$215
Insurance - S$3
Uniform - S$36 ( S$18 per set)
Progress Card - S$15
Total: S$654 ( comparing to Lionel's enrolment back in 2007, its abt S$100 diff)
But Mummy only paid S$385. The bottom 4 items will be paid at a later date. Mummy has yet to consider if she wanna send me in in Dec.
So Mummy did some registration for me this morning but she did not bring enuff $$.
Registration cum Deposit fees ( one time) - S$385
Sch fees ( with lunch) - S$215
Insurance - S$3
Uniform - S$36 ( S$18 per set)
Progress Card - S$15
Total: S$654 ( comparing to Lionel's enrolment back in 2007, its abt S$100 diff)
But Mummy only paid S$385. The bottom 4 items will be paid at a later date. Mummy has yet to consider if she wanna send me in in Dec.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Progress Report - Term 3 & 4 (Semester 2)
Parents - Teachers Meeting Session: 20 Nov 2009 Fri 10am - 12pm
Mummy brought me to school this morning for the above session. Teacher Shufen & Guo Lao Shi will be telling Mummy abt my school work & progress & also on my behaviour. Overall, Mummy thought that it was good & hopes i continue to show improvement.
From the Cs i gt in 1st semester, now i got Bs. From the Bs i got in 1st semester, now i got As.
Eg: Oral Communication: from C to B, Pre Reading (Language Arts): from C to B, Number Writing: from B to A, Pre Reading (2nd Language): from B to A, Creative Expression: from C to B, Muscular Control ( Art & Craft): from B to A & lastly, Problem Solving (Play): from B to A.
What my teacher wrote: A sensible boy who enjoys assisting the teachers. Loves & cares for his peers as well. Promoted to K1 - afternoon session.
Mummy abit headache on this point. Why afternoon session? Then i wldnt be able to hv my afternoon nap. Well, i hv to learn to adapt. For the pm session, classes will begin at 1.30pm & ends at 5.30pm.
Next, word for word on my developmental milestones:-
* Language Arts - Lionel is a keen learner who participates actively in classroom activities. Able to finish his tasks with accuracy but requires more time. Nevertheless, he is also ready to adapt & learn new experiences. However, need to read books more often to improve his literacy skills. Strive harder, Lionel.
* Maths Concepts - Lionel has a strong foundation in his maths. He is able to count & enjoys singing number songs. He just need to work harder in his studies & I strongly believe that he is able to acheive good grades for his Maths as well. Nevertheless, parebts may like to introduce new topics like addition/subtraction & etc as to prepare him for next year.
* Chinese Language - 志聪:聪明, 好动的他, 这个学段保持平稳。 课堂中, 能够听老师讲课, 但小动作时有出现基本掌握老师所教的知识 ( i dun really understand what the teacher meant by this), 发音方面待加强, 努力哟!
* Others - Loves dramatic play & is able to share & cares for his peers during play period. Also enjoys music & movement sessions. Good job!
What Mummy didnt know is that we had a test in all our subjects to show our progress. Mummy was happy to see that i did well except for 1 or 2 careless mistakes.
So next year, i will be in K1 & Rachel in N1. Speaking of Rachel, Mummy has yet to submit the documents for enrolment. :P
Mummy brought me to school this morning for the above session. Teacher Shufen & Guo Lao Shi will be telling Mummy abt my school work & progress & also on my behaviour. Overall, Mummy thought that it was good & hopes i continue to show improvement.
From the Cs i gt in 1st semester, now i got Bs. From the Bs i got in 1st semester, now i got As.
Eg: Oral Communication: from C to B, Pre Reading (Language Arts): from C to B, Number Writing: from B to A, Pre Reading (2nd Language): from B to A, Creative Expression: from C to B, Muscular Control ( Art & Craft): from B to A & lastly, Problem Solving (Play): from B to A.
What my teacher wrote: A sensible boy who enjoys assisting the teachers. Loves & cares for his peers as well. Promoted to K1 - afternoon session.
Mummy abit headache on this point. Why afternoon session? Then i wldnt be able to hv my afternoon nap. Well, i hv to learn to adapt. For the pm session, classes will begin at 1.30pm & ends at 5.30pm.
Next, word for word on my developmental milestones:-
* Language Arts - Lionel is a keen learner who participates actively in classroom activities. Able to finish his tasks with accuracy but requires more time. Nevertheless, he is also ready to adapt & learn new experiences. However, need to read books more often to improve his literacy skills. Strive harder, Lionel.
* Maths Concepts - Lionel has a strong foundation in his maths. He is able to count & enjoys singing number songs. He just need to work harder in his studies & I strongly believe that he is able to acheive good grades for his Maths as well. Nevertheless, parebts may like to introduce new topics like addition/subtraction & etc as to prepare him for next year.
* Chinese Language - 志聪:聪明, 好动的他, 这个学段保持平稳。 课堂中, 能够听老师讲课, 但小动作时有出现基本掌握老师所教的知识 ( i dun really understand what the teacher meant by this), 发音方面待加强, 努力哟!
* Others - Loves dramatic play & is able to share & cares for his peers during play period. Also enjoys music & movement sessions. Good job!
What Mummy didnt know is that we had a test in all our subjects to show our progress. Mummy was happy to see that i did well except for 1 or 2 careless mistakes.
So next year, i will be in K1 & Rachel in N1. Speaking of Rachel, Mummy has yet to submit the documents for enrolment. :P
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Random Conversation
These are a few conversations we had with R. I did not expect her to tell us or answer this way. Note: No rehersal has been done before.
1)I was carrying her home one evening & my hands were tired.
Me: Rachel, my hands are tired. I've gt no strength already. Can u pls come down & walked on ur own? Mummy gonna die.
R: No. I want Mummy to carry me. Mummy dun die. Mummy cannot die. I dun wan Mummy to die. ( on the verge of crying)
2) I was asking Rachel on who she love.
Me: Rachel, who do u love? Mummy or Daddy or both?
R: I love Mummy.
Me: U dun love Daddy?
R: (shaking her head)
Me: Can Mummy love Daddy?
R: Cannot. Mummy must love me. Daddy Love Kor Kor. ( referring to Lionel). I want to be with Mummy.
3) Daddy wanted to carry Rachel.
D: Come, Rachel. Daddy carry u.
R: Dun wan. I want Mummy to carry me
D: Daddy carry u cannot ar? Huh?
R: Dun wan. I wan Mummy
D: Why Daddy cannot carry u?
R: You smelly.
1)I was carrying her home one evening & my hands were tired.
Me: Rachel, my hands are tired. I've gt no strength already. Can u pls come down & walked on ur own? Mummy gonna die.
R: No. I want Mummy to carry me. Mummy dun die. Mummy cannot die. I dun wan Mummy to die. ( on the verge of crying)
2) I was asking Rachel on who she love.
Me: Rachel, who do u love? Mummy or Daddy or both?
R: I love Mummy.
Me: U dun love Daddy?
R: (shaking her head)
Me: Can Mummy love Daddy?
R: Cannot. Mummy must love me. Daddy Love Kor Kor. ( referring to Lionel). I want to be with Mummy.
3) Daddy wanted to carry Rachel.
D: Come, Rachel. Daddy carry u.
R: Dun wan. I want Mummy to carry me
D: Daddy carry u cannot ar? Huh?
R: Dun wan. I wan Mummy
D: Why Daddy cannot carry u?
R: You smelly.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Mummy: Permission to borrow this blog to pen my down my irritatedness with a certain person.
Went for an interview yesterday @ Chinatown with one of the travel agencies there. XXX Travel.
This lady boss who interviewed me was damn super duper HAO LIAN! So full of herself!
She claims, " in order to survive in a travel trade, you got to made urself known. You have to let people know u, see u , hear u. Otherwise, you can never achieved anything,even if u have worked 10, 20 years.
She claims: " in order to survive, you must work in a coporate environment, then people from all over will know ur name."
"...Just like myself, I am well known in the travel trade. Big or small, all bosses know me... ( so what, i nvr even hear yr name before).
"...I am a Aussie Specialist, a New Zealand Specialist, even Hong Kong, i know it at the tips of my finger & now, i know more of UK than anyone. ( hao lian rite? dunno whtr true or anot also)
".... XXX Travel has been long in the business for over 16 years. Though we do not advertise ourselves, we do not have any website but we are strong. Why is this so? Becos i helped to make it strong; i helped the agency to grow. ( keep on saying abt herself)
".... You know how to speak any dialects? ( i told her i only know simple cantonese & teochew/hokkien)....This is Chinatown, you know, you must know how to speak dialects, otherwise how are u going to communicate with the clients? :
( wa liao! i feel that she damn sarcasrtic lor. dunno how to speak dialects will die izzit?)
"....you will only be able to earn big if you work in a coporate environment like coporate ticketing or product planning. If you stay in either a tour counter or retail ticketing counter, u earn nothing. How much the company pays u, u hv to accept! S$1200, u hv to take it, S$1500, u have to take it. But in a coporate environment is different. You earn big bucks; S2K, even S3K.
( yaya...rattling non stop. what's the bloody big deal manz!)
"... our business is 70% on coporate dealings. we do coporate ticketings, not just point to point, any agency can also do that. But we do more than just point to point. We go beyond what the customer, or rather, what our clients expect. This is called CUSTOMER SERVICE. We showed them more offers, more choices. Even if the customer did not request for it, we will also showed them that we can do it. This way, the customer will see & know that u , as a travel agent, know ur job well & u provide excellent customer service!"
( i dun need u to tell me what is CUSTOMER SERVICE)
"....(looking thru my certs) Oh, u dun hv amadeus ar? We are using that here, how? You only have abacus & galileo, how come no amadeus?"
( i really dun understand. what's the big deal if i DO NOT have amadeus cert ( ticketing system)
".... oh, u studied at SHATEC...but so long ago already..." ( crazy woman! How old am i now already? You expecting me to graduate only a few months ago izzit?)
Thru out the whole bloody interview ( i wld say more like intergorrating), i was perspiring & the whole office was damn cramp & stuffy. 讲难听一点, 我看连沈殿霞都走不进. No air con at all. Terrible environment to work it & an incorrigible boss to have.
Went for an interview yesterday @ Chinatown with one of the travel agencies there. XXX Travel.
This lady boss who interviewed me was damn super duper HAO LIAN! So full of herself!
She claims, " in order to survive in a travel trade, you got to made urself known. You have to let people know u, see u , hear u. Otherwise, you can never achieved anything,even if u have worked 10, 20 years.
She claims: " in order to survive, you must work in a coporate environment, then people from all over will know ur name."
"...Just like myself, I am well known in the travel trade. Big or small, all bosses know me... ( so what, i nvr even hear yr name before).
"...I am a Aussie Specialist, a New Zealand Specialist, even Hong Kong, i know it at the tips of my finger & now, i know more of UK than anyone. ( hao lian rite? dunno whtr true or anot also)
".... XXX Travel has been long in the business for over 16 years. Though we do not advertise ourselves, we do not have any website but we are strong. Why is this so? Becos i helped to make it strong; i helped the agency to grow. ( keep on saying abt herself)
".... You know how to speak any dialects? ( i told her i only know simple cantonese & teochew/hokkien)....This is Chinatown, you know, you must know how to speak dialects, otherwise how are u going to communicate with the clients? :
( wa liao! i feel that she damn sarcasrtic lor. dunno how to speak dialects will die izzit?)
"....you will only be able to earn big if you work in a coporate environment like coporate ticketing or product planning. If you stay in either a tour counter or retail ticketing counter, u earn nothing. How much the company pays u, u hv to accept! S$1200, u hv to take it, S$1500, u have to take it. But in a coporate environment is different. You earn big bucks; S2K, even S3K.
( yaya...rattling non stop. what's the bloody big deal manz!)
"... our business is 70% on coporate dealings. we do coporate ticketings, not just point to point, any agency can also do that. But we do more than just point to point. We go beyond what the customer, or rather, what our clients expect. This is called CUSTOMER SERVICE. We showed them more offers, more choices. Even if the customer did not request for it, we will also showed them that we can do it. This way, the customer will see & know that u , as a travel agent, know ur job well & u provide excellent customer service!"
( i dun need u to tell me what is CUSTOMER SERVICE)
"....(looking thru my certs) Oh, u dun hv amadeus ar? We are using that here, how? You only have abacus & galileo, how come no amadeus?"
( i really dun understand. what's the big deal if i DO NOT have amadeus cert ( ticketing system)
".... oh, u studied at SHATEC...but so long ago already..." ( crazy woman! How old am i now already? You expecting me to graduate only a few months ago izzit?)
Thru out the whole bloody interview ( i wld say more like intergorrating), i was perspiring & the whole office was damn cramp & stuffy. 讲难听一点, 我看连沈殿霞都走不进. No air con at all. Terrible environment to work it & an incorrigible boss to have.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Little Footprints 2009 Year End Concert cum Graduation Ceremony
06 Nov 2009 - Its our school's K2 Graduation Ceremony & Concert Performance, held @ Spring Singapore, Bukit Merah Central.
As usual, our concert comprises of our 2 branches - Yishun & Bukit Batok. Ticket prices @ S$25 & S$30. There is also a DVD which cost S$25.
Before going to school, da gu put on some make up for us first. But as she is not sure what colour to use, therefore she just apply the basic colour for the eye shadow - blue for boy & pink for girl.
These are the K2s. Today is their graduation ceremony. They will be in primary 1 next year. All the best to them.
Song & Dance Performance by Yishun Branch:
Song & Dance Performance by Bukit Batok Branch:
As usual, our concert comprises of our 2 branches - Yishun & Bukit Batok. Ticket prices @ S$25 & S$30. There is also a DVD which cost S$25.

Mummy took some fotos of me in school together with some of my frens.

Para Para Sakura - N2
男儿当自强 - K1
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - PG & PN
Mambo No. 5 - K2
Snap To It - K1
快乐的木屐鞋 - PG & PN
Happy Boys & Girls - N2
我的童年是个叉 - K2

Bhangra - K1
Team - N2
Lemon Tree - K2
Under The Sea - PG & PN
开门红 - K1
好日子 - K2
The finale song titled : " Congratulations"
Wait till Mummy gets hold of the DVD & then see if she upload my dance performance here. Stay tuned!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Jacob Ballard's Children Garden
01 Nov 2009 - Sunday.
We went to JBCG - Jacob Ballard's Children Garden. Mummy was asking her fren abt it when er gu called & asked whtr we want to go.
We reached the place ard 10am cos er gu zhang lost his way. We went round the garden & spent most of our time at the playground - more than half an hr.

At the entrance..
Look closely. This tree scuplture is made up of "human leaves"
Lionel. Can he be part of the tree scuplture?
Kids Cafe @ the entrance. Look at those children's tables & chairs. Dun worry. Adults can sit on it too.
Long Beans..
Lady's Finger
Jurassic Park? Young explorers.
Swinging...Look at how Rachel places her hands on the wooden log!
Lost in the maze...
Wild fungus! The kids requested a pic of it taken.
When asked what is this, R replied: 毛毛
Tree House ...
with 2 tunnels slides attached on 1 end
she vanishes....
Lionel appears instead... MAGIC!
We went to JBCG - Jacob Ballard's Children Garden. Mummy was asking her fren abt it when er gu called & asked whtr we want to go.
We reached the place ard 10am cos er gu zhang lost his way. We went round the garden & spent most of our time at the playground - more than half an hr.
We left the park at abt 12 noon & proceeded to have lunch @ Race Course Road Aka Pek Kio Hawker Center. Er gu says the "zi cha" there is very nice. They ordered " hay po" - 虾婆 ( i asked whtr izit the prawns' grandma), toufu with fish soup - superb, lala, kang kong with cuttle fish - spicy & pigs trotters.
After lunch, we played at the playground again. We reached home at 2pm & both of us KO.
Rachel running across the rickety bridge.
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