20 March 2011 (Sun):
This morning, i bought Lionel for an assessment @
Read In A Week, a new centre within krtc at Yishun. Teacher Yvonne was the assessor & she finds Lionel okay. Okay meaning he can read, blend, spell & pronounce simple words. She assured me within the 3rd lesson, most students would be able to read short stories. I was a little skeptical abt this but we shall see how. So i enrolled him along with some P1s, scheduled to begin lesson next Sun, 27 March 2011. Classes are from 930am - 11am.
As for Rachel, she went along & was also assessed & deemed excellent. She will be joining the nursery grp (if i were to enrol her) but the nursery classes are only conducted on Sat afternoons. Teacher Yvonne said she will checked & see if the students who were transferring over from the Sembawang branch can form a class on Sunday morning, around the same timing as Lionel. She will let me know soon.
I went down to Seimpi Hougang & did an immediate withdrawal for Rachel as well. She's practically not keen anymore on piano lessons. We'll see in future she would like piano, or other form of musical instruments.
So for now, Lionel has one academic enrichment - Read In A Week & one non academic - Wushu. For Rachel, currently none till i sign her up for ballet which should be next week. I'm intending to sign her up for a fresh term, April - June.
Read In A Week : $120/term of 4 lessons ( $30 per lesson)
Ballet: $180/term of 3 mths ( $60 per term of 4 lessons)