Lionel continues to make wonderful progress this term concerning his attitude in the classroom and in school. He is very expressive & always shared his ideas in class. He has been continuously receiving high spelling test scores, He enjoys discussing the stories we read. He takes pride in all of the work he does & always does a neat job. He should do nightly review for his improvement.
Math Concepts
Lionel volunteers frequently and makes wonderful contributions to class. He works with care & accuracy. He acquires basic math skills that help him to do the given tasks without mistakes. He will benefit more if he would practice subtraction facts at home. I believe that he can put in more effort than he has been recently.
Chinese Language
在第三学期的学习中,志聪对平时所教导的生字单词认读得很好。在郎读儿歌方面,声音响亮。喜欢玩游戏。 在进行游戏活动中表现很活跃,但偶尔不能遵守游戏规则,需要老师的提点。
志聪对室外活动很感兴趣。在玩滑梯时表现很活跃,并乐在其中,遵守游戏规则。 小肌肉和大肌肉发挥得很好,同小朋友互动也很好。
Rachel is quite an independent girl. She is able to follow instructions well. She has shown keen interest when the teacher is conducting the lesson.
Math Concepts
Rachel si able to rote count numerals from 1 to10 by using materials (blocks) in the class. She can recognize some basic colours, shapes & sizes. Keep it up!
Chinese Language
谢佳璇:她对课本书有兴趣,能积极翻阅课本,并且能认读课本的内容。 真棒!
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