"Take a sprinkling of fairy dust, an angel's single feather, also a dash of love and care, Then mix them all together. Add a sentiment or two,
a thoughtful wish or line, a touch of stardust, a sunshine ray... Its a recipe, for a Baby truly fine."
Mummy got this bumper playmat from SMH spree. The design is called Yellow Bear. So next time, me & Kor Kor can sit & play on this mat.
And Mummy also got a few sets of clothes for me & Kor Kor from spree as well, all only at $6 per piece but must see whtr the min order is met anot & whtr any more stock left cos Mummy place her order quite late.
Recline & Grow by Safety First. Thanks to Aunty Jillian & Aunty Irene for the recommendation. Mummy got this 5 in 1 feeding chair for me. It has the following characteristics:
3 - 6 mths: full recline for easy bottle feeding 6 - 9 mths: gradual recline for starting solids 9 - 12 mths: upright for self feeding 12 - 24 mths: eating at the table 24 mths: backless booster
With Aunty Si Min's permission, the above 2 pics are Amanda mei mei...
Today, Mummy brought me to visit Aunty Si Min & baby Amanda. Awww...mei mei is such a darling. Mummy tinks dat mei mei looks like Aunty Si Min, especially her nose..keke...
And i also saw Aunty Maggie. The CL who took are of both Mummy & me after Mummy gave birth to me. She is also helping Aunty Si Min with baby Amanda.
A big thank you to Aunty Si Min, Uncle Alvin & Aunty Maggie for ur ang pao. Keke...
Mummy bot me to the SIngapore Air Show this morning. She purchased the tickets online @ $20 per adt & $8 per child. It includes a return shuttle bus transfer to & fro Pasir Ris MRT station.
Well...things were nt smooth going at all. We left the house at 10am, took bus no. 969 to Tampines Bus Interchange. Take mrt - 1 stop to Pasir Ris station. Whe we arrives at Pasir Ris, whoa...the crowd of people there; people mountain people sea (人山人海). Mummy saw the sign showing the direction to the shuttle bus sevice but..... wa piang, its a long way to the end of the q cos apparently, the q zig zag all the way to the other side of the station ( pasir ris mrt station has 2 exits) and cross over to white sands shopping mall. So wat did Mummy do leh? Do as wat most people did lor - cut q! muhahhah! everyone's doing the same thing; monkey see monkey do! keke...
Finally, finally after quite some time, mummy & me managed to board the shuttle bus. Gosh! It was very packed but we managed to get a seat as we were one of those few who boarded the bus early. Suppose to be a breeze of 20mins to get to our destinantion - CEC - Changi Exhibtion Center but the moment we come to Changi Village, the traffic congestion was = to Bangkok well known & ever famous traffic jam. Oh dear! Mummy looked at her watch. It was already 11.45am. How to get to the grounds in time to watch the airplane flight display? After a snails' pace, we finally arrives at CEC.
What! Another q to get inside the grounds?!?! Wat nonsense is this? Mummy getting a bit fed up. And look at the crowd. Goodness! Is there any planning at all from the organizers? " Look over there! See the planes!" Someone was shouting. We looked up. The flight display hv already started. Everyone stopped & looked up; some getting out their cameras, some gettin ready their cam corders, some, well...recording the flight display with their handphones.
After staring up at the glaring sky following the stunts & directions made by the plane, Mummy say its time we should get inside to look at the exhibits on display. Mummy told me there will be airplanes, helicopters, army vehicles, etc. Yes! I love helicoptors!
Zig zag, zig zag! All the way into the entrance where they did the scanning. Just like passengers' departure at the custom check point where they scan ur hand carries & then u walkd thru a metal detector & if it "beeps" the security officers will scan u personally. They NEVER even checked whtr u hold any admission tickets. So if those people never purchase any admission tickets....unfair right?
Under the dreaded hot sun, both me & Mummy were sweating like no 2moro. I refused to take any fotos so Mummy took pics of some military defence vehicles. Buay Tahan Liao! We went inside of the building for some air con. Wow....heaven! So cool! We squeeze in & out of the crowds, taking tis freebie that freebie. ( Those of u reading tis, pls dun say we cheap skate ar! dun tell us u all nvr do the same at any other fairs or exhibitions)
Its 2pm. Mummy say we better head home as we dun wanna crash with the crowd again. Or so she taught! Think again. The way out is only 1 way. How we came in will be hw we gonna get out again. Stupid organising. Or should Mummy say poor organising! Hw can u ask us to get out the same way we came in? Push against one another? Alot of people were complaining & yelling. *%#@. Crap manz!
Cheong ar! The organisers or security officers opened up the back gates & we rush over in a hurry to get thru B4 they tink we are "dangerous" & decide to close the gates. Why dangerous leh? Cos u should see hw we "fight" & "push" to get pass each other? Muahahhahah! Dun take it so serious hor.... Nobody was hurt!
Now, comes to the part of boarding the shuttle bus back to Pasir Ris station. Where on earth is the q again? Seems like no q leh, everyone js crowd ard the side of the road. Once a shuttle bus arrive, the crowd js squeeze their way the bus again. ( Those poor unfortunate souls behind waiting for their turn to board the bus - did they manage to? ) Mummy cannot wait & see. Again, she did js like wat everybody did; squeeze her way thru & dash up the bus with me in tow.
Alamak! This has to be one of the worst horrifying experience in coming to an air show. Aiyo..its nt as if Singapore is the 1st time hosting it. They (the organisers) should be more experience liao ma & should forsee all tis problems b4 hand ma. Jialat! The only consolation was the flight display we saw.
3 things to update... 1) Congratulations to SINGAPORE for being the official host for the Youth Olympic Games 2010. Hip Hip Hurray!!! 2) And also, today is Lunar Fifteen - 正月十五。 Wishing everyone Happy Chinese Valentine's Day.
3) Today also the big TOTO prize of SGD $10,000,000. (ey...hw many zeros exactly ar?) May all wishes come true. HUAT AH!!!
Mummy: Not a good start to 2008! All if us kept falling sick one after another. First it was Lionel, down with fever, cough & flu. Next is Daddy who kenna food poisoning. Then Rachel who is down with fever and lastly me, down with flu & slight fever yesterday.
Lionel returned back to school today after a so call long break. I had already written a note to the school to inform the teacher we are bringing him on a holiday so he will only resumed class on 18 Feb. Initially, Ah Ma felt dat Lionel still nt fully recovered to go sch yet as he is still having his cough. But i was telling her he so 生龙活虎,can go liao la.
Daddy's food poisoning was due to the fact dat he had eaten "spoilt" fish. We were in Bintan & as i have mentioned b4, the food there was terribly expensive & not much of a choice. We tried their Italian restaurant. Daddy ordered seafood pizza & dat's was wat caused him to 上吐下泄 the whole nite.
Rachel was teething & Ah Ma already sense she was comin down with a fever last Sat evening. It was only a slight one but i gave her paracetomol staright away. The whole of yesterday, Sunday, her fever was up & down. Her milk intake was little; drank only abt 2 oz iso of her usual 4 oz. Always want to be carried. No mood to laugh, play & smile, which was usually her daily routine. I was so worried. Each time i touched her, i can feel the burning heat thru her clothes. She is this "hot" Last night, Ah Ma used dunno wat chinese herbs to rub all over her body. Suppose to helped bring down her fever. Fed her paracetomol 3 times last evening & early tis morning - 10.30pm, 2.30am & 7.15am. Her fever seems to subside today. Her body temp nt as hot as yest. But still hv to monitor. I left dat job to mil as i myself also sick!
Already feeling very "one kind" last night, if u know wat i mean. I can sense a fever comin as i felt very lerthagic & my whole body seems to be aching! My nose also starting to get watery... sense a flu on the way as well. Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze...was all i was doing the whole night. Slept in the hall as Rachel was having fever & did nt want to pass the flu virus to her. Instead, she passed her fever virus to me...wahahahaha!
Tis morning, pulled myself up very lazily. Couldnt even get up. So sianz! Went to see a doc & was prescribed some medicine for flu, fever & body aching. Head like bobbling up & down; heavy feeling. Machiam like on the sea; sea sick feeling...aiya...dunno hw to describe la...pardon me. Gonna finished this post & logging off soon. No strength at alllllllllllll......
6.1kg in weight & 67.4cm in height. loves eating fish porridge. in fact, porridge with pumkin, porridge with potato, etc... her loves. lower central incisors out. upper central incisors js cutting out. can sit unsupported approx 20 secs or so. able to flipped from back to tummy but js plain lazy to flipped from tummy to back again. loves playing with water. grabs anything she can & puts into her mouth. loves eating... loves to play... loves smiling... & laughs vocalises alot...
I hv js cut out my lower central incisors recently and they posed no problem to me. But last evening, i was down with fever & still down with fever now. Mummy believed it my upper central incisors which is beginning to cut out dat is causing me to become cranky. i always want to be carried & my head feels sooooo heavy. i love mummy carrying me upright and then i will lay my face on her shoulders. With this position, i feel much better & falls asleep easily. Mummy gave me paracetomol which hopefully will bring down my fever & applied the teething gel on my gums which helps to sooth the irritation & uncomfy feeling.
Daddy took a temperature of me tis morning and it shows abt 38 lish. oh dear oh dear! the temp better go down. if not i hv to go see a PD le... keke...
With me always wanting to be carried, mummy is thankful dat i am light weight...haha...i weigh only 6.1kg currently. Not something to be proud of, but i do hope to gain weight steadily & surely. Otherwise, the doc will question mummy on my next visit in April. Its my assessment on my motor skills development. Gosh...i better buck up!
Mummy bot me to meet some of my lil frens & aunties.
We went to Swensons @ Suntec City Basement 1.
Introducing: top (left to right) - ally, shayne & xing yi : centre - group foto : bottom (left to right) - lucas & mummy nana, kaizer & mummy kth, and me rachel.
we have: mummy nor & wairah, mummy jessica & shannon, mummy slurpee & ethan, mummy jillian & ally, mummy cheok & shayne, mummy jules & xy, mummy nana & lucas, mummy kth & kaizer, mummy bedebe & vanessa & lastly, of cos my mummy yvonne & me, rachel
Daddy & Mummy bot some DVDs from Bintan, " Alvin & The Chipmunks", "CJ7 (长江7 号)", "Rise", "Bee Movie", " I Am Legend", "Alliens 2", "Invasion", "Warlords", "War" & "The Condemned" Aiyo....dunno whtr these are new or old shows.... "Alliens 2" like very long long time ago show leh... "Warlords" also last yr movie. But Daddy say nvr watch b4 ma...so nvr mind la...just buy lor...
I watched CJ7 yesterday with Daddy & Mummy. So funny! I like the space dog. Sooooo cute! Wished i have something like that...hahaha.....
Mummy & Daddy bot me to Bintan Lagoon Reort for a short holiday. Rachel did not come along as she is still too young. But leh...i was sick; down with fever & cough with alot of phelgms (spelling???) so i also did nt really enjoy myself. I was cranky; i cried & protest; i want to be carried at all times; i refused to eat, change my clothes, bath, play. Daddy & Mummy tried to used both the hard & soft approach but my mood is always up & down. This minute, i can go along with their request, the next....well...i flatly refused. haiz.... Both the adults were so tired & fed up with my consistent cries.
The resort itself looks so so only; abit sianz lor. Daddy felt dat there are nothing to do anyway. Spa? with me? hw to enjoy leh? The leisure centre also looks dead; nobody one. Maybe becos its a weekday? The food? aiyo....all so terribly expensive! Not dat Mummy is complaining. She expected it. She knows! But there is no variety at all; the buffet spread ...well...nt much choice...in mummy's words - PATHETIC!!! The ala carte - menu choice almost the same as wat u can eat outside; hor fun la, chicken rice la, char kway teow la... but the price is of cos doubled, if not tripled.
The only time i really enjoyed myself was when i was playing inside the swimming pool with Daddy. Mummy did not come in as she was... er....she was....er...inconvinient to do so... But even b4 this, i was screaming away as i did nt want to go down into the pool at all. As i have said b4, i was very cranky; i refused to change into my wet suit. I tink i screamed down the whole building. Mummy screamed at me till she gave up. Finally, after much much coaxing, i reluctantly change into my wet suit & gt into the waters with Daddy. After abt 45 mins, i refused to get out. See...nw u know wat i mean when i say my mood changes. One minute, i'm ok, The next, i'm not!!!
The optional trip to Tanjung Pinang ( Bintan's largest town) was also nt dat fascinating! Mummy & Daddy paid for a full day tour @ SGD 70 per pax. Me being below 3yrs was free. The whole trip begins at 9am till abt 6pm. See the above slide show. Most of the time spent was travelling. Nothing much to tok abt too. Let the slide show do the toking....Hehe!
Our ferry on the last day was supposed to leave Bintan @ 17.30hrs but Daddy asked Mummy to change it to an earlier slot so we can go back early to see a doctor. But the only time slot available was at 16.30hrs as the 14.30hrs one was fully booked. So no choice lor...paid SGD 5 per person for the amendment to hv the timing changed to the16.30hrs one. (1 hr only - wats the difference leh?
Let the slide show do the toking. Mummy toooooo lazy to write. Anyway, nothing much to say also. Pics taken at Uncle Ah Xiong (daddy fren)'s house & at Port Dickson. PD was just a by pass for lunch & some relaxation cos Daddy was tired from driving. We came down from KL ma...
Actually we went to Malacca zoo also but under the god damn hot sun & me being cranky ( i was sick), Mummy didnt get to take any fotos as she has to look after Rachel who seems to be soooooooo energetic! Gosh!. It was tiring for the adults. I am so sorry, Daddy & Mummy.
At MACs after class, mummy was hungry so she decided to pop over to mac for some light snacks. while eating, mummy entertained me as well; by taking fotos of me holding my bottle!!! u call dat entertaining??? i called dat irritating! hah! cant' i hv some privacy while i drink my water???
Yesterday, mummy bot me to KKH to take my scan report. The appointment was supposed to be at 2.50pm but we were late. We reached KK @ abt 3.30pm...keke..."tua bai" hor (big shot).
The nurse took my height & weight first. i weigh 6.1kg & 67.4cm. From the last measurement during dec last yr, i only gain abt 0.3kg...mummy abit worried...machiam i didnt put on any weight like dat leh.
Okay...results of my scan! GOOD NEWS!!!! there are NO abnormalities; all normal. but the doc say they are nt ruling out any possibilities. my next appointment will be half a yr later, sometime in Jul. if by then no recurring incident, i will be discharged; no more appointment needed.
After hearing the doc blah blah blah, mummy went to settle the payment. daddy expect the bill to come out ard $60-$70 plus but to our surprise, it was only $22. hahahaha.....
Daddy & mummy bot me for a car ride to all over Singapore. from KK to YCK to Sembawang & back to Yishun again. I fell asleep inside the car for over 2 hrs. mummy was saying" 这样好睡啊!hehe...dunno y leh...maybe becos of mummy's smell & voice, so i felt very secured. & somemore inside the car wor, air-con leh...so shiok! keke.
Daddy bot some koi (fishes) yesterday plus some aquarium stuff. mummy asked daddy izzit he strike toto or 4D? hw come can afford to buy so much stuff? daddy replied he wished he did...mummy then told daddy to save some $$ to buy mine & rachel's milk powder. dun just anyhow like dat waste $$.
Today is CNY eve, we all having reunion dinner @ 姑婆's house. every year also the same thing. tis year is my first chinese new year celebration & many more to come!
Here's Wishing Everyone: A Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year!!!
Me in pretty pink. ( not to be confused but Mummy is the one wearing yellow)
Just b4 class starts... the teacher going ard handing out registration forms. i had my eyes set on the pink ball. m trying to go after it.
Thank you Aunty Janice aka Dorami for the fotos.
Mummy bot me to kindermusic trial classs yesterday. It was at Tanglin Mall @ 3pm. Mummy was supposed to meet some other mummies at Macs @ 2pm but things did not go her way. Mummy was very pissed of & accordingly to her, the blasted weather dampen her mood.
Mummy: The sky was very dark when i left our hse at Yishun. Hoping dat it does nt rain, i pushed Rachel in her stroller & walked fast. When i arrive at Orchard MRT, i was wondering , oh my oh, hw on earth am i gonna get out to level 1? Then i saw the sign which says EXIT E - Forum. Ah yes! Tanglin Mall is in the direction of Forum, The Shopping . I immediately followed the crowd, sort of pushing my way true cos i didnt want to be late.
Alamak! The undeground link way doesnt have any lifts provided. Dun tell me i hv to use the escalators (something which i hate when i hv a stroller with a baby inside with me)???? Geez What to do? Here goes. OH MY GOD! Its raining heavily when i reached level 1. i sms Dorami & Angel, telling them i am stuck at Orchard but will try to reach soon. I waited for almost half an hour b4 the rain decided to "go light". At the turn of green light (pedestrain crossing), i pushed the stroller out into the rain & head straight for the 1st shelter - Borders. What the heck! There is no permanent covered walkway. I hv to go out in the rain again & head to Forum. After a long walk, in & out of covered walkways, i am starting to wonder: Where the hell is TM? I've passed by Tanglin Shopping Centre, Tanglin Place but i dun see TM in sight. I asked the security guard & he told me its another abt 10 mins walk , just after the traffic light. I looked at the direction he pointed. The traffic lights seem so far. God! Help me! And with the rain pelleting down on me, it doesnt help.
Finally, finally, after much swearing & grumbling, i saw the words: TANGLIN MALL. Phew! Out of the blasted rain at last. I made my way down to Macs & saw the rest of the mummies there.
Conclusion: Mummy was wet & shivering whereas Rachel stayed warm & dry, snuggled in her pram, fast asleep.
P/S: I forgot to add. There are slopes & steps which i hv to go up & down, carry the stroller up & down. Cos the buildings there seems to be built on hill tops. Esp in tis kind of blasted weather, it makes matters even worst.
Last but nt least, after all the swinging & swaying dat Mummy did with me in the class makes her arms ached like crazy. Even now, while Mummy is typing this post, her arms are still kinda shaky. Mummy is not used to tis kind of swinging. Mummy says she will nt be registrating me in the class, not at tis moment yet.
Anyway, i did enjoy myself. Nice meeting all aunties/uncles & my lil frens. :) Mummy still blur blur as to who is who...Hahahahha!
05 Oct 2012: Little Footprints Graduation cum Concert Rehersal @ RP
** rescheduled to 11 Oct 2012 instead**
06 Oct 2012: YPS Crime Scene Investigation @ Fort Canning
20 Oct 2012: Little Footprints Graduation cum Concert @ RP
22 Oct 2012: YPS P1 English Year End Assessment
23 Oct 2012: YPS p1 Maths Year End Assessment
25 Oct 2012: Ballet Open House ~ discussion on upcoming ballet exam preparation, year end workshop & junior dance group??
07 Nov 2012: Little Footprints K1 English year end assessment
08 Nov 2012: Little Footprints Math year end assessment
09 Nov 2012: Little Footprints Chinese year end assessment
09 Nov 2012: Pre Primary Ballet Exam @ 430pm
**hectic rush here - after her assessment, need to rush over for her ballet exam. intend to discuss with her sch if the Chinese assessment can be brought forward to the morning session instead**
16 Nov 2012: YPS Prize Presentation Ceremony.
** not sure if Lionel has any awards..keke**
26 - 30 Nov 2012: Pre Primary Ballet Workshop ~ Ballet / Hip Hop @ TSOD Yishun