I received a sms from the ballet teacher, Ms Wu, informing us that Thursday dance practice would be a full dressed rehearsal - full costume but without make up, hair up in bun but without gel & spray... haha... isnt that half dressed instead...
At the end of the practice, the teacher had a talk with all parents inside the dance studio. Stuff to take note, time to report, what to wear, all the dos & donts.... etc... I took the opportunity to voice out my concern on Rachel's hair & to my surprise, many parents also shared my views... how to get our child's hair up in a bun when the hair is short...
The answer: for all gals whose hair are short, pls tie them into 2 pony tails but the fringe & any back lot must all be gel & pin up. The fringe cannot be pin up sideways; it must be pin up towards the back. No fanciful coloured hair assessories; only black hair net, black rubber bands & black hair pins allowed. Okay, that's so much easier for me.. stay tuned for my master piece then...haha..
More on her actual concert performance the following day & Sat @ SCGS, Khoo Auditorium soon.
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