Little Footprints has its parents-teacher meeting this am. And in return, we received our child's academic cum enrichment progress report.
Language Arts
Rachel is able to undertsand the themes taught in Term 4. She is able to name some transportation & occupation. She enjoys interatcing with her peers.
Math Concepts
Rachel understands the concepts of numbers 1 to 20. She is able to name some colours like orange, purple, brown, white and black.
Chinese Language
在第四学期的学习里,谢佳璇能够用流利的华文和小朋友交流并且能够认读很多华文字了,非常好, 要继续努力哦!
Daily Activities
Rachel has improved in her fine motor skills. She can form letters with ice cream sticks
谢佳璇能够认读学过的华文字,并能进行快速指认, 非常好,要保持。
Picture Talk 10/10
Reading 10/10
Written 70/70
Spelling 10/10
Total 100/100
Mathematics 100/100
Picture Talk 10/10
Reading 10/10
Written 68/70
Spelling 10/10
Total 98/100
His Developmental Checklist:
All 1s from Motor Development, Gross, Social/Emtional Behaviour, Sensory & Thinking Skills to Language & Social Skilles.
1 - Good 2 - Satisfactory 3 - Fair
Language Arts
Lionel is an extremely motivated student & is always applying his highest effort into all of their classroom assignments. He continues to build a slod bank of common sight words. He predicts story events and is able to provide reasons for the prediction he makes. He is also able to express relevant idead in group dicussions. He accurately assesses his abilities to listen and clearly responds to other ideas and point of views. As the term has progressed, he has become a more self-motivated and self-directed learner. I wish to congratulate him on his positive start in primary 1.
Math Concepts
Lionel has matured nicely this year, academically & socially. He is enthusiastic when it comes to participating in class. He demostrates an understanding of addtion & subtraction to 20, using objects, pictures & numbers. He understands the concept of mathematics using money. He easily classifies a number as even or odd and usues ordinal numbers to twentieth with ease. He has also the ability to identify fractions. His positive attitude towards learning is evident in all subjects areas & greatly contributes to his academic success. I just want him to continue learning and he may have a great year in Primary 1.
Chinese Language
在第四学期里,我们主要以交通工具和职业为主题。志聪对这些主题都感兴趣。在学习的过程中,他对主题的内容理解得很好。华文语言能力强,在做组词成句写作中,能根据老师提供的词语,组成正确完整的句子。 汉语拼音方面,复韵母和声调的标法方面都掌握的不错。最后,老师希望你在新的一年里, 新的环境中能够快乐的成长,学习更多的知识。 加油
Lionel is able to apply the basic elements of line & colour to produce drawings and prints that communicate thoughts, feelings & ideas.
Congrats to both Lionel & Rachel. You did well.