Terrible Twos! I flatly refuse to believed that. I repeat, REFUSED!!! But alas, i hv to wake up my idea.
My son Lionel has been hopelessly "in love" with tis stage! Tell him NO, he say YES. Tell him CANNOT, he argue back!
Things he learnt:
1) Go around slapping people on the back, especially with us, his grandparents, mummy & daddy. Worst! He does dat when we are eating. Hv told him numerous times NOT to do it but he nevers listen
2) Cling onto things when its not his & refused to let go. He screams & shouts like no tomoro. Try telling him nicely but he ignores you. Try the hard way & he well... 有样学样!!! Screams back la, wat else.
3) Insist on having his own way. Demanding fellow! When u tell him things like "wait", "hold on", "one minute", he insist NOW! But when he tells u later, no matter how u keep on telling him to hurry up, he turns a deaf ear.
OH GOD! Wat m i suppose to do? I know tis stage will pass but ......WHEN???
Next year, he will be attending pre nursery already. Will he bring all tis bad habit into school or will he learnt worst things. Haiz!
Meanwhile, i learnt the soft approach is of no use to him liao. Sorry to say, the cane will come in handy & will always be so. Pain as my heart will be but i hv no choice. Haizzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
881 Movie

Last night, Mummy & Daddy went to watch 881 @ Bishan GV. Its been a long time since both of them watch a movie together liao. Not since Kor Kor was born & also due to the reason movie tickets are gettin more & more expensive.
So us kids stayed at Ah Ma's place last night while both Daddy & Mummy 过二人世界. Hehe..
Listen to some of their songs here:
十二连花 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mupnIQJoIY
野花不要采 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiRnT2q-z9Y
一人一半 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ForZY9Zj5gQ
Movie Rating: *****
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Dresses I Received On My 1 Month Celebration.
Friday, August 17, 2007
2nd Dose Hep B Jab for Rachel.
Today, Daddy & Mummy bought me to the polyclinic for my 2nd dose of the Hep B jab. $15 paid. Haha..
Brief milestones of myself:
At Birth:
Weight ~ 2.4kg
Length ~ 46cm
Head Circumference ~ 34cm
Weight ~ 3.6kg
Length ~ 50cm
Head Circumference ~ 35.5cm
My next Appointment will be in October. The nurse offered Mummy my vacination package; to choose the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 package.
5 in 1 cost: S$290.40
6 in 1 cost: S$326.10
If chose to hv each vacination taken separately, will cost approx S$86. So expensive!!! Imagine $86 per jab x (let's say the 5 in 1 package)
so $86 times 5 = $430. Alamak!
The nurse also mentioned can use the baby bonus to pay for the vacination. Aiya! No difference ma. Whtr pay by the government or one self, its still a deduction from the bank acount.
Lionel: Knowing Mummy, she will defintely choose the 6 in 1 package for u, rachel.
Rachel: How much u pay the last time, Kor Kor?
Lionel: No payment needed cos i was enrolled in the Rota Virus Study Program.
Rachel: So good. Now no more study program liao. If i also wan the vacination against Rota Virius, mummy hv to pay more.
Brief milestones of myself:
At Birth:
Weight ~ 2.4kg
Length ~ 46cm
Head Circumference ~ 34cm
Weight ~ 3.6kg
Length ~ 50cm
Head Circumference ~ 35.5cm
My next Appointment will be in October. The nurse offered Mummy my vacination package; to choose the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 package.
5 in 1 cost: S$290.40
6 in 1 cost: S$326.10
If chose to hv each vacination taken separately, will cost approx S$86. So expensive!!! Imagine $86 per jab x (let's say the 5 in 1 package)
so $86 times 5 = $430. Alamak!
The nurse also mentioned can use the baby bonus to pay for the vacination. Aiya! No difference ma. Whtr pay by the government or one self, its still a deduction from the bank acount.
Lionel: Knowing Mummy, she will defintely choose the 6 in 1 package for u, rachel.
Rachel: How much u pay the last time, Kor Kor?
Lionel: No payment needed cos i was enrolled in the Rota Virus Study Program.
Rachel: So good. Now no more study program liao. If i also wan the vacination against Rota Virius, mummy hv to pay more.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Rachel Full Month Celebration
Yesterday was my full month (满月) celebration. To be exact, i will only be exactly 1 month on 17 Aug but becos of the lunar 7th month which the old folks wanna avoid, they celebrate it earlier by a few days.
Since morning i had a buzy day. First, its the shaving of my hair which i hate. I cant help stop wriggling & crying. Grand Aunt ( 姑婆)was the one who did the shaving for me. Mummy was worried dat Grand Aunt will accidentally cut me since i wriggled non stop & she kept on telling Grand Aunt to stop, enuff liao. But Grand Aunt say must shave evenly & nicely. She told Mummy not to worry as she is experienced.
After my bath, i was dressed in a pretty outfit given to me from Auntie Maggie (mummy's confinement lady). Immediately, i was whisked off to Ah Ma's house for praying; must pray to our ancestors & Tua Peh Gong (大伯公). According to chinese customs, must thank our ancestors as chinese believe once a baby survives the 1st month, he/she considered a blessed one, so a celebration is a must.
Mummy: Nowdays confinement is only for 1 month. In the olden days, confinement is for an exact of 100 days.
In the afternoon around 1pm, Daddy comes back & we all went to Granny's place ( 外婆)& then to Great Granny's place. Along the way, i passed motion & Daddy has to stop the car by the roadside so that Mummy can changed my pampers first. On the way back home, Daddy stopped to buy drinks; beer, soft drinks & packet drinks & ice. It was already about 5pm when we reached home. I fall asleep immediately, hoping to catch some sleep b4 the guest arrived.
"Ping Pong, crash..." i woke up, crying, wondering wat happen. Oh...the buffer caterer has arrived & is settling up the tables & trays. No wonder so nosiy. Mummy ask me y i wake up so soon; i've only slept for 1 hour. Stupid Mummy! So noisy, how to sleep! kekeke...
Slowly, one by one, the guests arrived. Kor Kor hao lian! He kept himself busy by serving drinks to guest. But in actual fact, he was playing with the cool ice water where the drinks were kept. He hoped to dipped his hands into the ice water but on the pretext dat he nids to take out the drinks to give to our guest. Haha Kor Kor....u pretend pretend hor....
So many guest came & our corrider so narrow. Really no space to move around. 12 items of food were served & our guests all commented the food prepared was delicious. I didnt get to sleep at all cos everyone kept looking at me & carrying me; from one hand to another. Wa Liao! i was so fed up dat i cried & cried. Finally, mummy took over & hushed me down & managed to rock me to sleep. But within 15 minutes later, i woke up, crying again. Opps...y am i crying? Its milk time! Haha...Auntie Maggie fed me & rocked me to sleep again.
At about 9 plus, all the guests started to leave. Only some uncles stayed behind to chit chat & drink beer. Daddy joined in. Mummy & Kor Kor helped clear up. Kor Kor, as usual, pretend pretend again. 越帮越忙!哈哈! About 11pm, everyone left & it was quiet again.
Finally, i can really get to sleep.........SWEET DREAMS!
Since morning i had a buzy day. First, its the shaving of my hair which i hate. I cant help stop wriggling & crying. Grand Aunt ( 姑婆)was the one who did the shaving for me. Mummy was worried dat Grand Aunt will accidentally cut me since i wriggled non stop & she kept on telling Grand Aunt to stop, enuff liao. But Grand Aunt say must shave evenly & nicely. She told Mummy not to worry as she is experienced.
After my bath, i was dressed in a pretty outfit given to me from Auntie Maggie (mummy's confinement lady). Immediately, i was whisked off to Ah Ma's house for praying; must pray to our ancestors & Tua Peh Gong (大伯公). According to chinese customs, must thank our ancestors as chinese believe once a baby survives the 1st month, he/she considered a blessed one, so a celebration is a must.
Mummy: Nowdays confinement is only for 1 month. In the olden days, confinement is for an exact of 100 days.
In the afternoon around 1pm, Daddy comes back & we all went to Granny's place ( 外婆)& then to Great Granny's place. Along the way, i passed motion & Daddy has to stop the car by the roadside so that Mummy can changed my pampers first. On the way back home, Daddy stopped to buy drinks; beer, soft drinks & packet drinks & ice. It was already about 5pm when we reached home. I fall asleep immediately, hoping to catch some sleep b4 the guest arrived.
"Ping Pong, crash..." i woke up, crying, wondering wat happen. Oh...the buffer caterer has arrived & is settling up the tables & trays. No wonder so nosiy. Mummy ask me y i wake up so soon; i've only slept for 1 hour. Stupid Mummy! So noisy, how to sleep! kekeke...
Slowly, one by one, the guests arrived. Kor Kor hao lian! He kept himself busy by serving drinks to guest. But in actual fact, he was playing with the cool ice water where the drinks were kept. He hoped to dipped his hands into the ice water but on the pretext dat he nids to take out the drinks to give to our guest. Haha Kor Kor....u pretend pretend hor....
So many guest came & our corrider so narrow. Really no space to move around. 12 items of food were served & our guests all commented the food prepared was delicious. I didnt get to sleep at all cos everyone kept looking at me & carrying me; from one hand to another. Wa Liao! i was so fed up dat i cried & cried. Finally, mummy took over & hushed me down & managed to rock me to sleep. But within 15 minutes later, i woke up, crying again. Opps...y am i crying? Its milk time! Haha...Auntie Maggie fed me & rocked me to sleep again.
At about 9 plus, all the guests started to leave. Only some uncles stayed behind to chit chat & drink beer. Daddy joined in. Mummy & Kor Kor helped clear up. Kor Kor, as usual, pretend pretend again. 越帮越忙!哈哈! About 11pm, everyone left & it was quiet again.
Finally, i can really get to sleep.........SWEET DREAMS!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
History Of Singapore & Our Pledge
Lionel: Mummy, wat was Singapore's hickory?
Mummy: Its history ,dear. Er...something about a prince named Sang Nila Utama, who landed on the island of Singapore. He saw an animal dat looks like a lion but did nt really know wat kind of animal is dat. He decided to call it a lion.
Lionel: I know a lion. Why he dunno? So stupid meh? A prince dunno how a lion look likes? Even i know. A prince? Wat kind of prince? The prince dat we see in story books like Cinderalla or Snow White?
Mummy: No, not dat kind. (trying to visualise the looks of Sang Nila Utama). Anyway, he is a prince.
Lionel: Then who is See Stamp Feet Rats First?
Mummy: See Stamp Feet Rats First? Hahaha...No no, its Sir Stamford Raffles. He was a Bristish Governor (i tink so) who came to Singapore in 1819 & sign a treaty with the then Malay Village Head, er... Temenggong Abdul something
Lionel: Head? Whose head? (mummy gritting her teeth). Temen wat?
Mummy: Temenggong la. (looking at Lionel with arms folded)
Lionel: Oh! Ah Gong. (mummy shake head). Ah Gong & the village head good frens? So where is tis head now? (mummy fainted)
Mummy: History was never my favourite subject in school anyway. When u are bigger, u will learn the history of Singapore in school. Dun ask so many questions now.
Flag Symbol Meaning:
Red Symbolises Universal Brotherhood and Equality of Man
White Stands for Pervading and Everlasting Purity and Virtue
White Crescent Moon Represents a Young Nation on the Rise
Five Stars Stand for the Ideals of Democracy, Peace, Progress, Justice and Equality
(Mummy says the school teacher will always ask the students to draw the Singapore's flag during art lesson, especially when its near National Day & learn the meaning of the moon & stars, why are there only 1 moon but 5 stars & what red & white colours stands for.)
The Pledge:
We the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people
Regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society
Based on justice & equality, so as to achieve
Happiness, prosperity & progress for our nation.
团结一致, 建设公正平等的民主 社会,
并为实现国家之幸福,繁荣与进步, 共同努力。
(This pledge will be said every morning after singing the National Anthem in all schools.)Saturday, August 4, 2007
Lionel's ABC Adventure
Mummy's fren gave her tis website & mummy thot it will be fun if i hv an adventure of my own. Join me as we go outer space, under the sea, up in the air, on a train...etc.
The video is on the left side of our blog. Click play to watch. Cheers!
The video is on the left side of our blog. Click play to watch. Cheers!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
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